The World is Now Online. Are You?

The World is Now Online. Are You?

2020 is the year that hits the roof for online businesses. To keep the safety measures in check, people tend to order-in whether they are at home or work. With growing concern for health, there are no more parties, meetups, or casual get-togethers at cafes or restaurants. Young and old enjoyed conversations with food, but now they would rather sit at home than risk their health. At such times, it is better to roll with […]

No-Frills, No-Commitments

No-Frills, No-Commitments

Jacob was looking for an online ordering system that would enable his restaurant to face the post-COVID phase. Even though several platforms agreed to promote his restaurant, they all came at a high price. Some were charging commissions as high as 40%, some had huge setup fees, and some others wanted him to sign a contract. As Jacob was new to the world of ordering systems, he was not sure whether the commissions, setup fees, […]

Points to note while getting on board with branded online ordering systems for restaurants.

The restaurant industry embraced online ordering aggregators to get more orders and earn more income. But, high commissions and losing customer loyalty came into the play as these platforms focussed on their growth alone. Moving away from third-party aggregators all of a sudden is an abrupt action. But restaurants cannot run their business with razor-thin profits for too long either! Having the restaurant’s ordering system removes third-party involvement and associated troubles. Then comes the question, […]